The county seat of Itzehoe and 17 surrounding communities have joined forces – together we form the Itzehoe region. True to the slogan “region itzehoe – high-tech & joie de vivre in the north”, we are committed to our location and are breaking new ground in terms of cooperation; cooperation at inter-municipal level is just as important as cooperation with representatives of business and industry.
What we stand for – Goals of the Itzehoe Region
The goals of our voluntary cooperation are: To work out, promote and implement common strengths and projects in the fields of commerce & traffic, housing & living as well as local recreation & nature. With plenty of scope for new ideas, the Itzehoe region is to achieve a leading position in the competition between regions.
Within the district of Steinburg, the economic area of Itzehoe is the focal point for regional development. The Itzehoe region thus contributes significantly to strengthening the economic, ecological and social functions for itself and the rest of the district and beyond. The regional mission statement serves as a basis and orientation framework for the agreed goals and projects and creates the framework for the action concept.
The Itzehoe region is a cooperation of the county seat Itzehoe and the 17 surrounding communities and we are: strong through cooperation.
In the target agreement (.pdf file, 5.4 MB) of the Itzehoe region, we participating partners have anchored our goals. This strategy forms the basis for inter-municipal cooperation.
One city, 17 surrounding communities – one residential development pool!
Against the background of demographic change and the associated effects on the housing market on the one hand, and a constant demand for building sites on the other, inter-municipally coordinated residential development is becoming enormously important. The goal is to meet demand while taking into account the municipalities’ infrastructural endowments and their own development goals.
Up to 1,500 new apartments are to be built in the Itzehoe region by 2030. But where exactly can and should these apartments be built? At the end of September 2020, the member municipalities adopted a joint housing agreement that regulates precisely this spatial distribution of the 1,500 apartments – a milestone in inter-municipal cooperation!
While specific quotas are set in advance for the central places of Itzehoe and Hohenlockstedt, the surrounding communities access a region-wide residential development pool. Depending on the need, the situation on the housing market and feasibility, the municipalities register their housing development with the Itzehoe region and receive housing units from this pool.
The housing agreement is an expression of the responsible use of land as a resource and at the same time testifies to the trust that has grown within the urban-rural cooperation.
Let’s talk!

In addition to quantitative development, the member municipalities are also focusing on questions relating to the quality of housing. Within the framework of studies, the quantitative framework conditions could be sounded out. How do we want to live in the future, what demands do people place on housing, and how can municipalities gear their housing development to this?
Förderung durch die Metropolregion Hamburg
The preparation of a study for needs-based housing development and the dialogue process are supported by funds from the Hamburg Metropolitan Region Development Fund.
For more than 50 years, the Hamburg Metropolitan Region has been promoting measures that contribute to the development of the region. This ranges from projects in the field of tourism and local recreation to P+R facilities at commuter stations and cross-border lead projects, studies and concepts for new visitor attractions or economic and infrastructure projects. The states of Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein have set up three development funds for the Hamburg metropolitan region. They are the main financial instrument of regional cooperation. Funding is provided for cooperation projects between cities, municipalities and districts, but also with private partners from business and society. A total of 2.7 million euros is available annually for this purpose.
Funding guidelines are available at www.metropolregion.hamburg.de/foerderfonds/.
On the flagship project “Housing in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region – meeting needs, fit for the future, designed together”.
Ihr Kontakt zur Region Itzehoe
Your opinion is important to us! Actively influence our work. Tell us what moves you with regard to the Itzehoe region. Talk to us about plans, goals, wishes that will further advance our common living and working space – the Itzehoe region.
Itzehoe region
c/o RegionNorth
Valley road 9
25524 Itzehoe
Tel.: (04821) 94 96 32-30
Fax: (04821) 94 96 32-99
eMail: info@regionnord.com
Member municipalities of the itzehoe region: Our municipalities

- Hohenlockstedt
- Hohenaspe
- Ottenbüttel
- vent field
- Oldendorf
- Itzehoe
- Oelixdorf
- Bekmünde
- Heiligenstedten
- Heiligenstedtenerkamp
- Kremperheide
- Krempermoor
- Breitenburg
- Münsterdorf
- Daegeling
- Lägerdorf
- Neuenbrook
- Rethwisch
Total area: 20,114 ha
Population: 56,991*
*As of Dec. 31, 2018, Statistical Office for Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg 2019