Stadtmanagement Itzehoe GmbH coordinates all tourist activities of the city of Itzehoe; it attaches particular importance to providing tourist advice to Itzehoe guests and is easily accessible for those seeking information.
Tasks and goals of Itzehoe city management
Tourism has long ceased to be an insignificant economic factor in the Steinburg district.
Stadtmanagement Itzehoe GmbH was founded in 2000 jointly by the city marketing association “Wir für Itzehoe” (70% share) and the city of Itzehoe (30% share). The company is managed by an executive director, the city manager.
The objective of Stadtmanagement Itzehoe GmbH is defined in the shareholders’ agreement and concerns all “measures to promote the attractiveness and appeal of the Itzehoe region and to promote tourism”.
The team

How to reach us
Stadtmanagement Itzehoe GmbH
Feldschmiede 52
25524 Itzehoe
Phone: 04821-949012-0
Fax: 04821-949012-6
E-mail: info@mein-itzehoe.de
Itzehoer voucher